Advanced Logistics

Logistics 4.0

Logistics represent a field strongly integrated with production processes, especially when talking about Inbound Logistics.
Logistic flow of material management, from factory inbound to the station where the material is transformed, is a key factor for a plant.
For this reason, technical solutions regarding industrial transformation processes (assembly, welding or other types of process) must take into account also logistic flows.
Considering project objectives and constraints, CAAR offers the study and design of warehouses, the definition of necessary material handling devices (vehicles and containers), of labor, of flows and line-side deposits.
With Industry 4.0, the opportunities for logistics to be more strategic and vital than before for a factory have grown, since there are several possibilities for smart interconnections with other components of the factory, which in turn can be managed in a smarter way thanks to real-time data being exchanged from logistics.


Advanced logistics in CAAR

CAAR strongly believes that in the 4.0 era logistics and advanced logistics represent the future: the company has wide experience in logistics, in terms of analysis, organization and cost evaluation.
CAAR has also developed in-house specific tools for logistics engineering, like PFEP (Plan For Every Part), that takes a real picture of an operative process for an existing product and highlights possible efficiency improvements and subsequently optimizations for the process.
PFEP output model consists of forecasting algorithms to determine what might happen if production/assembly lines were to be added or moved, in terms of operations and cost (what-if simulations).
In addition, since plant logistics are impacted by several variables and there is a high risk of non-optimal organization, CAAR’s simulation model allows the definition of the best type and number of vehicles necessary, in relation to the main critical points (distance to cover, material weight, volume, etc).
What is above described if the best way to define a new layout, or to point out optimizations for current layout.